iAppConnector Pricing

All plans include free standard support. A Zapier subscription is required.


iMIS License (# of named users**) Annually ($USD)*
1-4 $3,000 ($250/month)
5-9 $3,600 ($300/month)
10-20 $4,500 ($375/month)
21-30 $5,400 ($450/month)
31-40 $6,600 ($550/month)
41-49 $8,100 ($675/month)
50-74 $9,900 ($825/month)
75-99 $12,000 ($1,000/month)
100-149 $14,700 ($1,225/month)
149-200 $18,000 ($1,500/month)
200-300 $21,000 ($1,750/month)


*Usage fees based on three-year term, invoiced annually. **Named users include full and casual user licenses.

Additional Services

Service Fee ($USD)
Custom-built additional integration workflows ("Zaps") - each

Custom-built additional integration workflows - block of 5


Workflow consulting services / subsequent revisions to existing Zaps*


*Free standard support included with usage fees. All amounts are in US dollars.